MANTA® is designed for sewer or storm cleaning where the debris is at the bottom of the pipe.
MANTA® has a tough and wear resistant inner design to handle the abrasiveness from water recycling trucks. The internal flow design minimizes pressures and flow losses and gives optimum pulling and cleaning power. Through a flexible exchange system of the rear end, number of jets can easily be altered - 8, 10 and 12 jets - for a perfect match to pipe size and pump capacity. MANTA® has a system of interchangeable wear runner skid.
• Made of highest quality stainless steel.
• Interchangeable jets for easy adjustment of flow and pressure.
• Ceramic jets.
• Low gravity for a correct position in pipe, and to minimize the possibly of rolling over.
• Interchangeable rear end for great flexibility (8, 10 or 12 rear jets).
• Replaceable runner skid.
• Excellent for all types of water recycling units and normal jetting units.
• Supplied with a hardened stainless steel swivel.